Sergio Maldonado Will Focus on Education, not Politics

Recently we learned that the unelected Superintendent of Public Instruction is crowing about being endorsed by one-term president Donald Trump. That is not something I would be particularly proud of but to each their own.

Sadly, though it is yet another sign that Brian Schroeder cares more about participating in national political theater than he does in helping improve our children’s educational outcomes, assuring safe classrooms, and improving the morale of our state’s teachers. Wyoming has a structural deficit when it comes to school funding and there are real issues for the next superintendent to engage with and help solve. This job will require a person who can focus not on the latest outrage, but on the things that are happening here in Wyoming.

I am that leader. I will de-politicize the Wyoming Department of Education. Having a family that is active in party politics will not be a qualification to serve in my administration. I will hire the best people who know education and we will work with Wyoming’s teachers, administrators, students, and parents to assure a quality education for every child regardless of family income or zip code.

Our children's future is too important to have it interfered with by myopic and arrogant political posturing!


Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate Sergio Maldonado Calls for Charter School Decisions to be Tabled


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