Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate Sergio Maldonado Calls for Charter School Decisions to be Tabled

Sergio Maldonado, candidate for Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction, is calling for the State Loan and Investment Board (SLIB) to table any decision on charter school applications until the new Superintendent of Public Instruction takes office in January. The SLIB is scheduled to meet to approve or deny three charter school applications on Tuesday, September 14th.

"I believe fully in local control for our schools and that the best government is that closest to the people," Maldonado said. "The Legislature just a few months ago stripped the ability of locally-elected school boards to determine what is best for their communities. That charter schools using public money but operating outside regular oversight would be forced upon districts that don't want them by the SLIB board is overreach.”

"Proceeding while the board includes two board members who will not be here in January is folly. Secretary of State Ed Buchanan will be out of office days after the board meets and the unelected Superintendent of Public Instruction was turned out of office by his own party in the recent primary."

"There is no need for the SLIB board to rush into a decision at this time. They should wait until those who will be charged with implementing their decisions are elected and in place.

"Allowing lame ducks on their way out the door to make policy affecting Wyoming's most precious asset, our students, is improper and must not go forward."


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